Friday, April 26, 2013

Seven People Who Have Changed My Life

This is a long blog entry and I don't really expect anyone to read this. I'm mainly writing this for my own memory. But if you do take the time to read it you get to find out a little bit about some amazing people who changed my life forever.

Have you ever been totally in love with seven different people? I have...I am. My seven students. They are just the most amazing people you could ever meet. When I started working at Sunrise Ridge Intermediate School I could have never guessed that these kids I'm supposed to be teaching would actually teach me. I'm not really sure how much I'm allowed to share with you so I'm going to keep things vague, so stay with me.

One of my students is LDS and sometimes she would say things to me that were so simple but so profound. Around Easter time she asked me what my favorite holiday was. I responded and asked her which her's was. She told me it was Easter, assuming she said Easter because it was days away I asked why. Her response was something like this, "because of Easter I get to be with my family forever." I was shocked by this simple statement. Moments like this happened quite often. This student was always saying these tiny comments that just put me in my place.

Another of my students ate Ranch dressing with absolutely everything. Actually, I had two students who did that. They just ate it plain. It was gross. Lunch was not my favorite time. I love my kids, but watching them eat was repulsive. They would dip their burritos, sloppy joe's, french fries, green beans, and anything else on their plate in Ranch.

A student that I have mentioned before on Facebook use to sing to me. The first time I heard her sing was to The Climb by Miley Cyrus. It was amazing how even though she couldn't form sentences or say more than yes and yo (her version of no) she was able to sing this song, following pitch and everything. Walking to choir she would always ask me to sing a song from Sesame Street that Bruno Mars sang while on the show. Here's the link, I definitely reccommend taking a look and really listening to the lyrics. I learned to love this song.

The last student I want to tell you about is probably just the cutest thing you could ever meet. She loves to be apart of normal education classes. She loves Gangnam Style, Finding Nemo, Monster's Inc and pretzels. Sometimes she called me mom and although I was so happy that she thought so highly of me, I of course, explained to her that I am not her mom. She loves to laugh and smile. We would go on walks before Language Arts and she would often hide in the bushes. I would pretend I couldn't see her and she would laugh and laugh. She loved to laugh at me when I did something dumb.

On my last day all seven of my students came to 5th period and sang You'll be in my Heart by Phil Collins. I wish I had videotaped that, but I was crying so hard I couldn't even think straight. Then they gave me these adorable flowers made from their handprints and these precious self-portraits and some handmade cards that made my heart ache.

I have never been faced with a more difficult task than saying goodbye to these sweet spirits. While walking my Finding Nemo loving student out to the bus she grabbed my hand to make me stop. I turned to look at her and she signed "I love you" to me. That was like a dagger to my heart. It was all I could do to get her on the bus without just completely breaking down.

I would like to take note that although I did cry periodically throughout the day, I did not truly breakdown until I reached my car.

I am so grateful for this opportunity that has completely changed my life. I miss those kids more than anything and wish I was back there with them rather than being up here at school. Is it sad that I would rather be with them than up here at school? I have more fun with those kids than people my own age. Sad, huh?