Saturday, December 4, 2010

Yesterday, Today, Forever

I was reading in my scriptures last night and came across a scripture in 2nd Nephi. For those of you reading this who are not of my faith, 2nd Nephi is a book of scripture in the Book of Mormon which we use as a companion to the Bible. As I was saying, I came across a scripture that intruiged me. It said "For behold, I am God; and I am a God of miracles; and I will show until the world that I am the same yesterday, today, and forever." 2nd Nephi 29:9 This scripture made me stop and ponder. Many people consider my religion to be false, some even say that it is a cult. I have heard many snide remarks and rude comments against my faith. The early Saints in my church were persecuted for believing that God spoke to a man here on earth. They tarred and feathered Joseph Smith for saying that God talked to him. They burned houses and drove women and children out of their homes for being baptized and believing that the priesthood had been restored. And eveuntually they killed Joseph Smith and drove the Saints to Utah, all for believing that this new church was true.
That's why this scripture made me stop and think. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. He not only said so in the book of scriptures my church believes that Joseph Smith found in Palmyra, New York and translated with the help of God, it is also in the Bible, a book of scripture that all Christians believe has come from God. The scripture can be found in Hebrews, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 If Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever, then why would His church be any different now then it was then? How did Jesus set up the church when He was alive?
  • He called Propehts and Apostles to guide his people.
    • Matthew, Thomas, Peter, etc.
  • He taught of baptism by immersion
  • He set an example of worshiping in temples
  • He used the priesthood and blessed the lives of other with it
And there are so many more examples. My church believes in all of these principles. We have a prophet on the earth who speaks to and receives revelation from God. We are baptized by immersion at the age of eight or older. We have built temples all around the world and worship in them and partake in ordinances that God taught about in days of old, such as baptism for the dead, 1st Corinthians 15. The priesthood was restored through Joseph Smith and is very much an active ingredient in my religion. My brother holds the prisethood as does my dad and all other worthy men.
I repeat, if Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever, then how can my church not be true? What other church in exsistence can look at all the principles of their church and honestly say that they have all of the aspects in their church that Christ taught about and preached of? I can. I am so grateful for that. I am grateful for the Bible and the Book of Mormon. I am amazed everytime I read them at how perfectly they work with each other. Each has important and vital information that helps me to become a better person. I am in love with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the same now as He was before, and so is His church. Although our meetings are more regular and in a building rather than the top of a mountain, it is the same. No matter which meeting house you go to whether it is here in Perry, Ohio or somewhere in Siberia, the message is the same and we are Christ's true church.


  1. You sure you're not a writer?? :-)

  2. I recently heard an analysis of religeous observers that indicated that of all the religions considered mormons know more of the tenents of their faith than all the rest. You are a perfect example of that analysis. Very nice post sweetheart.

  3. Aww thanks! I love you too! <3
