Thursday, August 30, 2012

Grateful for Friends

I have so many things going through my mind right now, but I can't post many of those thoughts because they would seem offensive. In my head they are not meant that way, but if you aren't me you don't know that.

It's funny how when you are surrounded by friends you take that friendship for granted. You don't realize how big a part they play in your day to day life.
When I lived in Ohio and needed my best friend she was only a five minute drive away. I never realized how incredibly blessed I was to have her so close. In college my best friend was a shout away...if she wasn't right next to me.
Now I am in St. George, Utah where I family. Only my family. There are many things that I dislike about St. George, not even counting the fact that it's in Utah (yuck!). The thing that I have the hardest time with though is that I am alone.
Family is a blessing, but sometimes they aren't always enough. You need friends....I need friends.
So go to the Single's Ward! I're all saying that. I can't. I went before was dreadful. I sat there for three hours and not one person said a word to me. (That's the thing with the church out in Utah...they aren't as welcoming as out in "the mission field".) So go talk to them! Yeah, that was your next thought right? But let me ask you something...DO YOU KNOW ME? I am painfully shy around people I don't know...especially a large group of people my age. I don't do well with putting myself out there. I never have. When people find out that I have moved a lot they assume that I am naturally outgoing because I had to make friends know what assuming does, right?
With all of my best friends I have never made the move to be friends, it has always been them. I don't know how to make friends. It sounds so silly, but it's true.
Luckily for me two of my very best friends are coming to visit next weekend and we are gonna go to the Single's Ward together. Maybe with those two hotties by my side someone will talk to me...or I'll feel comfortable enough to talk to them.

I'm sorry to anyone who read this. I'm not trying to sound like a whiny brat, I needed to vent and am clueless as to where my journal is. If you know anyone in St. George that is in need of another friend send them my way! If you don't, prayers of strength are just as good. Thanks :)

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