Friday, July 8, 2011

I'm Over Being Lied To

As most of you know, Jeff and I set up a meeting for Thursday so I could return some of his things to him and he could give me his reasons for cheating on me. I packed up a box of his things and was ready to close that chapter of my life.
I left for the MC, our designated meeting spot, with my friend, Jallyn. She sat a few feet behind for moral support. I texted him at 3 and told him where in the building I was at. By 3:30 I still hadn't heard from him. I decided to call him. It went straight to voice mail. I was livid. Completely and utterly livid.
I left him a voice mail. I told him that I had been waiting for him for 30 minutes and I was getting ready to leave. I said if he didn't want to see me then he shouldn't have set up this meeting, that if he wanted his things he could come to me and get them. Needless to say he didn't reply. I still haven't heard from him.
I'm gonna go ahead and rant for a little bit, so bear with me. How dare he set this meeting up and then bail! Honestly, how childish can one person be? Was he like this for the 3 and a half years we were together? How did I miss this? The man I knew would have never done something like this, ever.
Let me make this clear, I am not upset that he stood me up, I'm angry that he thinks he can treat me this way. Cheating on me wasn't enough. It's a good thing I'm over this boy or yesterday would have torn me apart. I may still have his stuff, but he means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. On Tuesday a friend of mine asked if I still had romantic feelings for Jeff. I immediately answered no. I was however, afraid that talking to Jeff would stir up feelings of not being good enough. This friend told me to repeat after him the following phrase, "It doesn't matter, I'm over it." He had me yell it and say it with dignity. I am so grateful for his friendship.
Jeff is a child. I'm glad I am seeing this now rather than marrying him and finding out later. Oh the simple blessings of the Lord.
I am keeping his things in a box by my door for another week. If he doesn't get it by then, well, as all of my friends and family have said, burn baby, burn! Thanks for the memories Bud, I hope your current girlfriend doesn't have to spend as much wasted time on you to figure out what kind of person you are. Poor girl, she's probably totally blind sighted.

This is a song by Lenka called Bring Me Down. It fits perfectly into words what I am feeling towards Jeff at this moment.

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